
Explore and Visualize Data with No-Code

Drive business decisions with beautiful charts and graphs that anyone in the organization can build. Give the power of data to everyone to drive innovative decision making. Aggregate all of your business's data to meet your business intelligence, analytics, and application observability needs. Find insights fast, from everywhere, by anyone.

Visualize and explore your data however you want:

Graphs and Charts: Time series/Bar/Pie/Candlestick/Heatmap/and more...
Stats and Numbers: Stat/Gauge/Bar Gauge
Other: Table/Logs/Node Graph/Traces


Display metrics together to provide insights across the organization. Build dashboards tailored to a team, product, department, or however they best meet the businesses needs. Display metrics in real-time to drive KPIs. Monitor logs, metrics, and traces in single place for faster root cause diagnoses.

Custom Dashboards:

Time Ranges: Select custom dates or time units. See the time frame however it needs to be seen
Drag and Expand: Customize the look of the dashboard with the easy drag and expand feature
Filtering: Create filters and tags to easily drill into new data on the fly
Annotations: Quickly view or mark events that could be effecting changes to the data

Ready to dive in?

Better business observability with FojiSoft is just a click away and you only pay for what you use!

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